Office365 returned us an email address different from the one that started the authentication process.


When authenticating with Nylas using Office365 accounts, the user might receive errors as below:

Status 403: Office365 returned us an email address different from the one that started the authentication process.

The error message usually means the user started auth process with but ended with on the callback.


  • When using OAuth, the email address used to authenticate must remain the same throughout the process.
  • Ensure the user is not entering or selecting a different email address on Office 365 than originally entered on Nylas.
  • Make sure the user is not attempting to log into an alias. They must authenticate with the main account.
  • If the issue persists, ask the user to log out of all Office365 accounts and then try again.
    Alternatively, ask the user to try authenticating from an Incognito or Private browser session.
  • Check with the user's email administrator to see if they require authentications to use the UserPrincipleName and if that's different from the Active Directory mail value. If so, then see this guide for a solution:




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