Can't send with IMAP grant due to "provider returned error"


Why am I getting 'provider returned error' when trying to send emails with IMAP authentication?

Error details:

grant is missing imap username or password or smtphost or smtpport, unable to fetch connection details



When using IMAP authentication with Nylas, you may encounter a 'provider returned error' when attempting to send emails if the SMTP settings are missing or incorrectly configured. Here's what you need to know:


Common Causes

  1. Missing SMTP Settings: While it's possible to create a grant with only IMAP settings for reading emails, sending capabilities require proper SMTP configuration.
  2. Incomplete Authentication: The SMTP host and port must be provided during the authentication process, even if you've successfully configured IMAP settings.


How to Fix

During authentication, ensure you provide:

  • SMTP host (e.g.,
  • SMTP port (commonly 587 for TLS or 465 for SSL)
  • Valid credentials if different from IMAP


Look for the 'Different SMTP credentials' checkbox during authentication if your SMTP credentials differ from your IMAP credentials.


Common SMTP Ports

  • Port 587: Used with STARTTLS encryption
  • Port 465: Used with SSL/TLS encryption


If you're unsure about your SMTP settings, contact your email provider or check your email client's configuration for the correct values.


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