How to parse information passed via Scheduler bookings.

Use case:

  • On my scheduler, I have a custom field as Phone number as a required field, how can I get that information on a successful booking? 



  • Using thank_you_redirect feature of the Scheduler.

    • Specify a URL: Specify a URL for users to visit after completing the Scheduling booking. Use the thank_you_redirect booking configuration in the appearance object as below.
      Custom Thank You Page

    • {
      "appearance": {
      "thank_you_redirect": ""
    • Retrieve Information: On successful booking, the customer will be redirected to the above URL with all the information passed during the booking as below:

    • Retrieve any information/details passed to the scheduler page as a query parameter from the above URL and use them accordingly.

  • Using the scheduler reminder webhooks
    • Define an reminders endpoint location within scheduler via the /pages endpoint

    • Set the  reminder period as one week in the past for immediate delivery
    • Parse the information


  • Using Nylas /events endpoint

    • Listen to Nylas events webhooks: Listen to Nylas events webhooks as event.created or event.updated as per your use case.
    • Fetch the Event Information: Fetch the event information using Nylas GET /events/{id} endpoint. Return an event
    • Parse the Information:: Parse the necessary information from the event description.3.3. 



Custom Thank You Page

Scheduler Reminder Webhooks
Return an event


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