- Check to ensure the account is in a healthy running state, as visible via the dashboard or the /accounts endpoint - if NOT running see troubleshooting guide.
- If Yes the account is healthy:
- Below method works with GMAIL:
Search for the missing email via our API to get the message_id :
Using subject: /messages/search?q=subject:nick
Using the Header Message-ID /messages/search?q=rfc822msgid:200503292@example.com
- Once you have the Nylas message_id then you can fetch it via the /messages endpoint
- You will probably find it is in a different folder than expect
- If IMAP and the object does not appear in the sent folder ensure you have defined which folder is the sent folder - See Documentation
Please use your logs in the Nylas dashboard to confirm when you received the webhook by searching for the message_id
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