How do I customize the background image and styling of the Nylas hosted authentication page?

Customize the appearance of your Nylas hosted authentication page easily using the Update Application API (PATCH /v3/applications). This method eliminates the need to host your own authentication page. With this API, you can modify several visual elements:

  • Background image (background_image_url parameter)
  • Image alignment
  • Primary and secondary colors
  • Background color
  • Title and subtitle text
  • Element spacing

To apply these customizations, send a PATCH request to /v3/applications with your desired parameters in the hosted_authentication object. Below is an example of the customizable parameters:

"hosted_authentication": {
  "background_image_url": "",
  "alignment": "left",
  "color_primary": "#dc0000",
  "color_secondary": "#000056",
  "title": "Your Title",
  "subtitle": "Your Subtitle",
  "background_color": "#003400",
  "spacing": 5

By leveraging these options, you can create a visually appealing and branded user experience with minimal effort.


Please feel free to contact if you have any questions or run into issues.


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